2025年01月31 星期五


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matchThe Grand Priories

The structure of the Order's jurisdictions worldwide reflects the composition of the first Commanderies, Preceptories and Priories which dotted the European landscape in medieval times and which were the operating region of the medieval orders, including the Order of Saint Lazarus, in days gone by. Today, the Order of Saint Lazarus does not operate from the Holy Land, or the Outremer as it was fondly called in the times of the Crusade. Naturally the emulation of the medieval, defunct, Lazarite Order is immediately noted in the official name of our chivalric organization, namely the appellation ‘of Jerusalem’ in our full name which immediately brings to mind that the mission statement of our organization today is to serve with humility our Hospitaller and philanthropic calling as did the Lazarite knights of old. 

However, the present day Order’s seat of authority today rests within the jurisdiction of Scotland, where the Supreme Grand Prior resides. The international and diplomatic overseeing of the Order resides within the Office of the Grand Chancery in the jurisdiction of Malta.

Below, one finds an alphabetical list of all the jurisdictions and regions within which the Order of Saint Lazarus flourishes today, with a membership of over 14,000 Christians worldwide and with Hospitaller work worth millions being overseen on a yearly basis.

Note a. The smallest unit within the structure of the Order is referred to as a Delegation. It is the custom within our Organisation to ensure that a proper Lazarite team is carefully inducted before the Grand Chancery puts forward the case to the Supreme Grand Priory for the particular jurisdiction to be promoted to a ‘Grand Priory in Formation’. To reach such a status, a jurisdiction needs to be properly organized and deemed fit to tackle the responsibilities of its particular jurisdictions, including an acknowledged presentation of its Hospitaller initiatives in the short and medium term of operations. Some jurisdictions do not automatically reach the stage of ‘Grand Priory in Formation’. Some reach the next stage of ‘Commandery’, or even a ‘Grand Commandery’. Once the Grand Priory in question is properly and solemnly consecrated as per the ancient medieval rites of chivalry, then the appellation ‘in formation’ is removed and the jurisdiction achieves the status of a fully fledged Grand Priory within the Order.

Note b. Some Grand Priories within our organization are referred to as ‘Grand Priories in Distress’. This means that the dedicated Lazarite team in the jurisdiction in question is operating a hands on approach in direct Hospitaller work and that the region in question is too poor to carry the burden of the Order’s annual dues and administrative tithes. In such cases, the Supreme Grand Priory officially decrees the total underwriting of such fees and also authorizes specific, and wealthier, Grand Priories to financially assist in the needs of such ‘Grand Priories in Distress’. Normally, these Grand Priories are found in the African and Southern continents, naturally due to demographic and geographical situations.

Note c. Every Grand Priory is represented, by means of two voting rights, within the Supreme Grand Priory of the Order. Delegations who have not yet reached the status of Grand Priories are represented within the Supreme Grand Priory by means of the two officers’ votes of the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites, which oversees the Delegations of the Order.

Note d. Sister chivalric organizations have opted to join en bloc the United Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. Although their independence and constitutions remain unchanged, the leaders of the sister chivalric organizations undergo what is referred to as a ‘commendation’ wherein, in a sacred investiture in front of their peers, they pledge loyalty and obedience to the officers of the Supreme Grand Priory. These sister chivalric organizations are also represented within the Supreme Grand Priory by means of two voting officers, just like the Grand Priories of the Order. However, the heads of the sister chivalric organizations are also represented within the Grand Council, which is the regular meetings and gatherings of the Grand Officers of the Supreme Grand Priory and through which the day to day administration of our Order is channeled.

Grand Priories which are fully represented in the Supreme Grand Priory as per the statutes of the Order:

The Grand Priory of Argentina
Grand Prior: Confrère Ramiro Anzit Guerrero CLJ


The Grand Priory of Armenia
Grand Prior: To be appointed


The Delegation of Australia
Under the Grand Priory of International Lazarites


The Grand Priory of Austria
Grand Prior: To be announced


The Delegation of Belgium
Under the Grand Priory of International Lazarites


The Grand Priory of Bosnia Herzegovina (in formation)


The Grand Priory of Botswana (in formation)


The Grand Priory of Brazil
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Roberto Ortiz KCLJ KMLJ


The Commandery of Sao Paolo
Under the Grand Priory of Brazil
Commander: Confrère Denys Kelwin Herbert de Souza OLJ

Commandery 'Agnus Dei' of Rio de Janiero
Under the Grand Priory of Brazil
Commander: Confrère Adilio Jorge Marques CLJ

The Grand Priory of Canada
Chancellor: Dame Tami Petrovsky DLJ


The Grand Priory of China 
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Schanchun Huang KLJ


The Grand Priory of Colombia

Grand Prior: The Chevalier Krishna Panday KLJ


The Grand Priory of Cuba

Grand Prior: Dame Gisela Hidalgo DLJ


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of the Czech Republic


The Grand Priory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Grand Prior: The Most Reverend Bishop Ejiba Yamapia ECLJ


The Grand Priory of Denmark
Grand Prior: to be appointed


The Grand Priory of the Dominican Republic
Grand Prior: The Hon. Dame Dolly Nin GCMLJ MP


The Grand Priory of Ecuador 
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Carlos Oswaldo Jaramillo Ponce KLJ


The Grand Priory of England
Grand Prior: To be consecrated


The Priory of the Isle of Man
Under the Grand Priory of England
Prior: Chevalier John Ogden KLJ


The Delegation of Estonia
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites


The Grand Priory of Ethiopia
Grand Prior: His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie GCMLJ


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Finland


The Grand Commandery of France
Grand Commander: Chevalier Michel Bouillerand KLJ CMLJ


The Commandery of Marseilles
Under the Grand Commandery of France
Commander: Confrère Jean Christofe le Gars CLJ OMLJ

The Commandery of Vichy
Under the Grand Commandery of France
Commander: Le Chevalier Comte Jacques de Chabannes KLJ OMLJ

The Grand Priory of Germany
Grand Prior: Chevalier Peter Neuen KCLJ CMLJ


The Rhein-Ruhr Commandery 
Under the Grand Priory of Germany 
Commander: Confrere Jurgen Wolsfeld

The Rhein-Pfalz Commandery 
Under the Grand Priory of Germany 
Commander: The Chev. Peter Neuen KLJ CMLJ


The Rhein-Neckar Commandery 
Under the Grand Priory of Germany 
Commander: Confrere Rainer Kautsch


The Grand Priory of Ghana 
Grand Prior: H. E. Togbe Osei III, Head of the Royal House of Godenu


The Grand Priory of Gozo
Chancellor: Chevalier Etienne Micallef KLJ


The Delegation of Greece
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites


The Grand Priory of Haiti (in formation)


The Grand Priory of Hungary
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Lajos Vigh KLJ


The Commandery of Szent Erszebet
Under the Grand Commandery of Hungary
Commander: Confrere Dr. Levente Toth CLJ

The Grand Priory of Indonesia
Grand Prior: His Royal Highness Dom Leopold Nisnoni, Raja Of Kupang GCMLJ


The Grand Priory of Italy
Grand Prior: TBA


The Commandery of Catania 
Under the Grand Priory of Italy
Commander: Confrère Filippo Condorelli CLJ

The Commandery of Taormina
Under the Grand Priory of Italy
Commander: The Honorable Carmelo Currenti MP

The Grand Priory of Jamaica 
Grand Prior: Dame Janice Karema Simmonds Fisher


The Delegation of Japan
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites


The Delegation of Kazakhstan
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites


The Grand Priory of Kenya
Grand Prior: To be Appointed


The Grand Priory of Macedonia
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Mihael Lozanowski KLJ


The Grand Priory of Malta
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Daniel Bugeja KCLJ CMLJ


The Cotoner Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: Dame Katya de Giovanni DLJ CMLJ

The De Rohan Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: Confrere Alex Buttigieg CLJ OMLJ

The La Valette Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: The Chevalier Mario Calleja KLJ CMLJ

The L’Isle-Adam Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: The Chevalier Johann Debono KLJ

The Pinto Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: Dame Elke Sghendo DLJ CMLJ

The Projekt Lazarus Malta Commandery
Under the Grand Priory of Malta
Commander: Confrere Anthony Galea CLJ

The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Mexico


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Moldova


The Grand Priory of Montenegro 
Grand Prior: Chevalier Dragan Nikolic KLJ


The Grand Priory of the Netherlands 
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Michael Kemp GCMLJ


The Priory of Aruba
Under the Grand Priory of the Netherlands
Prior: To be Consecrated

The Priory of Curacao
Under the Grand Priory of the Netherlands
Prior: The Chevalier Marwen Z Saab KLJ

The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Norway


The Grand Priory of Pakistan
Grand Prioress: Dame Shabnam Nazli DLJ


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Peru


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Poland


The Delegation of Portugal
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Romania


The Grand Priory of Russia
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Vladimir Kirillovskikh KCLJ


The Commandery of Voronezh
Under the Grand Priory of Russia

Commander: Consoeur Tatiana Karpova OLJ


The Grand Priory of Rwanda
Grand Prior: The Royal Heir of His Majesty Kigeli V, King of Rwanda GCMLJ


The Grand Priory of Saint Kitts and Nevis Island
Grand Prior: Dame Susan McWilliams DLJ


The Grand Priory of Scotland
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Timothy Rice KLJ


The Grand Priory of Serbia 
Grand Prior: Chev. Dragan Milic KLJ


The Grand Priory of Sicily
Grand Prior: Dame Barbara Marino DLJ


The Delegation of Singapore
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites
Commander: Confrere Jonathan Ash CMLJ


The Grand Priory of Slovakia
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Robert Bodor KLJ


The Grand Priory of South Africa
Grand Prior: H. E. The Chevalier Steven Groeneveld GCLJ


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Spain


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Sweden


The Grand Priory (in Formation) of Switzerland


The Commandery of Tripolitania
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites
Commander: The Chevalier Stefan Hogan KLJ

The Grand Priory of Uganda
Grand Prior: Confrere Peter Ash CMLJ


The Grand Priory of Ukraine
Grand Prior: The Chevalier Anton Savvov KLJ OMLJ


The Delegation of the United Arab Emirates
Under the Grand Priory of the International Lazarites
Commander: Dame Susheela George DMLJ


The Grand Priory of the United States of America
Chancellor: Chevalier Christopher Chambers of Skighaugh KLJ CMLJ


The Priory of the Indigenous People
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Prior: Confrere Jason Rios CLJ

The Priory of Puerto Rico
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Prior: The Chevalier Benjamin Angueira KLJ

The Commandery of Alabama
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Commander: The Revd. Harold Neally Cannon ChLJ

The Commandery of Arizona
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Commander: TBA

The Commandery of Arkansas
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Commander: Confrere Tom Watson OLJ

The Commandery of California
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Commander: Confrere Paul Cueva OLJ

The Commandery of Colorado
Under the Grand Priory of the United States of America
Commander: Confrere Terrence Sarros MLJ

The Commandery of Florida</s